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Job Search

man typing on laptop

CTHires Job Database

CTHires houses all the resources you need to find a job in Connecticut. Search jobs, create a resume, and find training.
happy man with laptop

Employer Search Tool

Find contact information for more than 180,000 employers in Connecticut state at CTDOL.
cluttered desktop

CareerOneStop Job Finder

CareerOneStop allows you to simultaneously search thousands of aggregated job listings.
woman job hunting

Popular Job Sites

Learn about using job boards to see what other jobs may be available within Connecticut.
Connecticut Workforce Development Boards map

Resources by Region: Workforce Development Boards & American Job Centers

Regional workforce development boards serve as a key resource within your local area to navigate the employment process. American Job Centers located in these regions offer individualized services and support to job seekers, including workshops, counseling, and training.

Public Sector Jobs

male construction workers

Explore Public Sector Jobs

Explore public sector jobs in municipal, state, or federal government.